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Security Scams


Obtaining your information with a stroke of luck

There are software and hardware key loggers. They log all the keystrokes entered on a particular computer. The keystrokes are then retrieved by criminals and used for their own purposes.

Software key loggers

A software key logger, once installed on your computer, makes a copy of all your keystrokes. Details of the keystrokes are saved to a file on your computer's hard drive where they can be retrieved by the criminal. In some cases, the key logger will send the file to the criminal’s anonymous email address.

How are they installed?

The key logger could be hidden in an email attachment sent to you, or the criminal can install it when working on your computer via a memory stick.

Hardware key loggers

Hardware key loggers are units that are usually installed between your keyboard and the computer. There are certain hardware key loggers that fit within your keyboard and are difficult to detect. They also log your keystrokes and store them within the hardware key logger device. The criminal will retrieve the key logger device to access the stored keystrokes.

How are they installed?

Criminals need physical access to your computer so that they can replace your keyboard and cable with one containing the keystroke logger.

